10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa
10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa

10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa

© SamoaPocketGuide.com

Are There Mosquitoes in Samoa?

Before heading to Samoa, you will probably hear scary stories about tropical islands swarming with mosquitoes. Although the hot weather, humidity and its fair share of rainy days create the perfect environment for mosquitoes in Samoa, the situation is easily manageable by using some of the ways we list to avoid mosquito bites.

When is the Mosquito Season in Samoa?

Mosquitos are around all year in Samoa, so it’s a good idea to always have some sort of insect repellent on hand! Learn more about the seasons in our guide, Samoa Weather, Seasons & Climate.

Is There Dengue Fever and Chikungunya in Samoa?

There have been outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases in Samoa, especially dengue fever and chikungunya, which causes high fever, headache, etc. In short, it can put a real downer on your holiday, making it all the more important to take some steps to protect yourself from mosquito bites. Learn more about dengue fever and chikungunya and how to treat these illnesses in Samoa Safety Tips: Is it Safe to Travel to Samoa?

Is There Zika Virus in Samoa?

Less common is the Zika virus, which has historically had outbreaks in Samoa. Check travel advisories for outbreaks before you travel and discuss plans with your doctor if you are pregnant or otherwise vulnerable.

With all of the above in mind, we have designed this guide to several ways to avoid mosquito bites in Samoa. Let’s begin!

1. Protect Yourself with Mosquito Repellents

The most obvious thing to do to avoid being bitten is to push back, literally. Push the mosquitoes away with powerful insect repellent! While there are a lot of insect repellents on the market, be aware that the cheap chemical ones can be more harmful to your health than the mosquito bite itself. Ingredients in high concentrations of DEET can be pretty nasty, especially when combined with chemicals commonly found in other skin products like sunscreen and moisturiser. We’ve compiled a list of the 10 Best Insect Repellents for Samoa (That Don’t Harm You or the Planet) to help you pick natural-yet-effective options for adults and kids alike.

10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa© SamoaPocketGuide.com

2. Wear Long-Sleeved Clothing

The science is pretty easy on this one: wear a long-sleeve layer and without exposed skin, you won’t be bitten. This is not really a high-tech solution but it works wonders. In fact, some clothing brands are starting to design clothing with insect-repellent technology integrated into the fabric. For example, ExOfficio offers full spectrum insect protection from mosquitoes, ants, ticks and even flies!

10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa© SamoaPocketGuide.com

3. Ask for a Mosquito Net

Most accommodation providers have mosquito nets or insect screens on the windows. Needless to say, you should make sure you use them. If the mosquito net or screen has holes, ask for a replacement. If you’re staying somewhere where you suspect there are no mosquito nets available, bring your own travel mosquito net. Check out more things to pack in our Samoa Packing List.

10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa© SamoaPocketGuide.com

4. Use Your Accommodation’s Mosquito Kit

Speaking of accommodation, some mid-range and luxury accommodations in Samoa have an in-room mosquito kit so you can enjoy the outdoor portions of your home-away-from-home without getting munched on. These kits usually consist of high-strength mosquito repellent and/or mosquito coils. If they have them; might as well use them (unless you’ve brought your own natural insect repellent which is likely to be better for you).

10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa© SamoaPocketGuide.com

5. Avoid Staying Inland

Although the lush green interior of Upolu and Savai’i are wonderfully attractive, it’s also attractive to mosquitos. Avoid staying in accommodation inland if you’re usually targeted by mosquitos. Inland accommodations have a much harder time controlling mosquitos. If you’re going on inland hikes or tours to plantations, needless to say, you’ll need to do some mosquito-repelling prep.

Pro tip: If you’re really worried about mosquito bites, stay in Lalomanu. When the Samoa Pocket Guide went on their latest research mission to Samoa, we observed that Lalomanu on the southeast coast of Upolu was the location with the least mosquitos. Be sure to take all of the usual mosquito-protection precautions though.

10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa© SamoaPocketGuide.com

6. Don’t Stay Near Stagnant Water

Similarly to some of the points above, mosquitoes love stagnant water. This is where they lay their eggs. For the single mosquitoes ready to party, this is where the action happens. So if you see a puddle or a bit of stagnant water, choose to sit a bit further to avoid being part of the buffet…

10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa© Pixabay

7. Take Vitamin B

Seafood, eggs, bananas and potatoes are all rich in Vitamin B which, with enough in your bloodstream, does not attract mosquitoes… Or at least that is what the local tales tell. But since the tip is passed from generation to generation, why not jump on the bandwagon? If you feel like a boost, start taking Vitamin B supplements a month before your trip. Of course, ask your doctor in case of doubt. For more pills to pop, check out the What Medication to Pack in Your First Aid Kit for Samoa.

10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa© Pixabay

8. Take Antihistamine

If you have any questions about antihistamines, ask your doctor. In short, antihistamines are a remedy against an allergic reaction. Because of their active ingredients, they are also a great option to prevent bites in the first place. You can find them at any good pharmacy or get them prescribed to you by your GP. Remember, Upolu’s pharmacies are mostly limited to Apia, while Savai’i has a couple of pharmacies in Salelologa, so bring these from home in case antihistamines are not in stock. Antihistamines are another recommendation in What Medication to Pack in Your First Aid Kit for Samoa.

10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa© SamoaPocketGuide.com

9. Avoid the Wet Season

Not our top tip because the weather is perfect mosquito climate all year round in Samoa, but the added rainfall during the wet season means that between November and April is the worst time when it comes to mosquito activity. So if mosquitoes are a big worry, you may want to target the months of May through to October (the dry season) instead of the months of November through to April (the wet season). Learn more about the weather and climate of Samoa in our guide, Samoa Weather, Seasons & Climate.

10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa© SamoaPocketGuide.com

10. Don’t Go Out Straight After the Rain

Mosquitoes are most active right after a rainstorm. The increased humidity in the air gives them wings (literally!) so give it a few hours after it has been raining before heading out. In the meantime, you can check out one of the amazing museums in Samoa. Otherwise, what about grabbing a bite to eat in one of the wonderful eateries around? Check out other rainy day activities in our 20 Things to Do in Samoa on a Rainy Day.

10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa© SamoaPocketGuide.com

What to Do if Bitten? Fight the Itch with Antiseptic Cream

When thinking about what to pack in your first aid kit for Samoa, we suggest packing a good antiseptic cream. It is particularly helpful to disinfect and soothe mosquito bites. Keeping on top of your bites is the best way to cope with mosquitoes if you start getting bitten.

10 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Samoa© Pixabay

More About Staying Healthy in Samoa

That’s it for our ways to avoid mosquito bites in Samoa. Nevertheless, we still have plenty of tips to keep yourself healthy while exploring Samoa. Check out these tips:

Finally, if there’s anything we’ve missed, you’re likely to find it in Samoa Safety Tips: Is it Safe to Travel to Samoa?


The information in this guide has been compiled from our extensive research, travel and experiences across Samoa and the South Pacific, accumulated over more than a decade of numerous visits to each destination. Additional sources for this guide include the following:

Our editorial standards: At Samoa Pocket Guide, we uphold strict editorial standards to ensure accurate and quality content.


Robin C.

This article was reviewed and published by Robin, the co-founder of Samoa Pocket Guide. He has lived, worked and travelled across 16 different countries before settling in the South Pacific, so he knows a thing or two about planning the perfect trip in this corner of the world. Robin works and consults regularly with the Samoa Tourism Authority, a local government body representing the tourism industry. Robin is also the co-founder of several other South Pacific travel guides and is a regular host of webinars with the South Pacific Tourism Organisation.

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